Christian Marriage: a journey of healing

On Friday 29th September the Church celebrated the Great Feast of the Three Archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Can you identify them in the picture above?
Michael carries a sword in his hand to defend your marriage from the Devil who accuses us when we sin, lies to us about what makes us happy, and puts in our minds doubts about the love of God.
Gabriel carries a pregnant womb, the visible sign that every Word of God carries new life and can become flesh in your marriage, because ‘nothing is impossible to God’.
The third angel, in the middle, is Raphael, meaning ‘God’s healing’. This Angel carries the hand of a young man - called Tobias - and is walking with him towards the marriage with Sarah. Raphael is the Guardian Angel of Tobias and Sarah,and of EVERY married couple.
For marriage enquiries please contact the parish priest:
Planning to get married?
Marriage Preparation Course
Our course is open to all couples intending to marry in a Catholic Church, regardless of which parish you live in.
We will be beginning marriage preparation by the end of September for those engaged to be married. Those interested, please contact Fr Rajiv: rajivmichael@rcdow.org.uk
Today's Bible Readings:
The Gospel contains the heart of Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount – the eight Beatitudes in which he declares blessed the poor in spirit, the gentle, those who mourn, those who hunger for what is right, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted for the cause of right and on account of Jesus. A great reward is promised in heaven.
In the Second Reading St Paul points out to the Corinthian Christians that at the time of their calling not many of them were wise in human terms, were influential, or came from leading families. God reverses the values of human reckoning – he has made them members of Christ Jesus, who has become their wisdom, virtue, and holiness.
Fr Rajiv’s homily will be updated on https://castingfire.wordpress.com
Mass and Devotions for the Week beginning Sunday 29th January 23
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
St Thomas Aquinas 6.00pm Mass of Sunday
Sunday 29th January 8.30 am Mass
4th Sunday of the year 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
Monday 6.00pm Mass followed by Adoration
feria and Benediction until 7pm
Tuesday 6.00pm Mass followed by Rosary
St John Bosco
Wednesday 6.00pm Mass
Thursday 9.00 am Mass followed by Rosary
(Candlemas transferred to Sunday)
Friday 9.00 am Funeral Mass of Michael McKenna RIP
St Blaise
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
feria - of BV Maru 2.00-3.00pm Prayers for Priests
6.00pm Mass of Sunday
Sunday 5th February 8.30 am Mass
Presentation of the Lord 10.00 am Family Mass
Candlemas 11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
If you are gluten intolerant, there are coeliac hosts available. Please speak to the priest.
The Epiphany Crib remains in church until Candlemas, which we are transferring from 2nd February to Sunday 5th February. Crib offerings go to the work of the Catholic Children's Society with needy families in our diocese. This is our main way each year of supporting their work.
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Candlemas, actually occurs on Thursday 2nd February, but we shall delay its celebration until Sunday 5th February, (as is permitted for Feasts of the Lord that occur in Ordinary Time.) The Gospel will be acted out at 10.00 am Family Mass, and there will be a Blessing of Candles and Procession at the 11.30 am Solemn Mass. The Bible readings and prayers for the feast are on pages 246-8 of the 2023 Sunday Missal. Readers please note these replace the readings of the Sunday on page 251-3 of the 2023 Sunday Missal.
Monthly Hour of Devotion for the intention and protection of priests worldwide, on Saturday 4th of February at 2.00pm. Prayers for priests have been requested by Our Blessed Mother in all her apparitions. All welcome.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism
If you have a child for Baptism under 5 years old please email us for an application form. You will be contacted once the form has been received. A copy of one of the Catholic parents’ baptism certificate will be required. Baptisms can only take place on Saturdays at 11am.
PARTY TIME with FOOD & FUN: for children who attend the Children’s Liturgy at 10.00am Mass SUNDAY 5th February from 11.00-1.00pm. Parents please sign up with the catechists after 10.00 Mass to book a place for your child.
Congratulations to the Confirmation Candidates who make their official request to be confirmed at the Mass of Enrolment Saturday 28th January 6.00pm Please pray for our young people who have been meeting since October. Their confirmation will be here at Holy Trinity on 12th May.
Meetings for adults exploring the Catholic faith continue: If you feel drawn to the Catholic Church, would like to be confirmed as an adult or would like to know more please get in touch via srjenefer@rcdow.org.uk, the parish office, or speak to one of the priests. All welcome, baptised or not.
Children, adult & teen Readers at 10.00am Mass: Please contact Nyama or Sr. Jenefer if you would like to join the rota or if you are already on the rota & would like to read in January or February. Training provided for new readers.
Mass for the Sick at the Cathedral
Saturday 11th February 2023 is the 31st World Day of the Sick, the Memoria of Our Lady of Lourdes.
There will be a Mass for the Sick at the Cathedral at 2.30pm, celebrated by the Cardinal, during which Anointing of the Sick will be offered. Everyone is welcome but if you wish to be anointed or are helping someone who wants to be anointed a ticket is needed. TICKETS can only be booked by and collected from the parish office. The last date for making a booking is 3rd February.
Bible Timeline Course
Back by popular demand: BIBLE TIMELINE COURSE. Started two years ago but abandoned during the pandemic. If you’ve always wanted to read your bible but have not been able to understand the different books, the course will help to uncover the bigger story, the big picture in the Bible. After this you will know what each book is about and how to read them! From the 1st February, Wednesday, at 8 PM in the church.
Holy Trinity Cine Club:
for children in Year 7 to Year 9 on a Friday evening and Year 10 to 12 on a Saturday evening once a month. Quality ‘surprise’ movie followed by discussion and pizza. All are welcome, suggested donation of £5 towards running costs. Contact cineclubbg@gmail.com. See poster in the church porch: Fri 3rd /Sat 4th February, Fri 24th /Sat 25th March.
Parents who wish to request a Certificate of Catholic Practice
for Catholic Primary School can contact the parish office to request an information form which needs to be completed and returned before the day of an interview with one of the priests.
Friends of the Holy Land Fundraising Concert.
An unforgettable evening of uplifting music on Thursday 16th February at 7.30 pm in Westminster Cathedral, featuring the London Welsh Male Voice Choir supported by 'The Priests'. Tickets starting at £20 are available now through Eventbrite at - http://bit.ly/3i0ath2 or search LWMVC Concert at Westminster Cathedral, or by calling the office – 01926 512980. www.friendsoftheholyland.org.uk/westminster-concert2023
PULSE Catholic Family Retreat 18th -19th March
Children of all ages are welcome. Organised for families by families.Fr Matt Blake, Carmelite, will help the parents (re)discover the power of prayer. Children participate in a school of prayer specially tailored to their age, under the responsibility of volunteers. https://www.pulse-retreats.com/catholic-family-retreat. Email: hello@pulse-retreats.com
You will find our new CONTACTLESS GIVING device in the church
porch and you can now use your contactless debit/credit card
to make a donation.
Simply choose the amount you wish to donate and
hold your card onto the reader.
You can now donate from home by using the button below.
Thank you to all who have been able to continue giving in these difficult times.
If you wish to make a one-off donation, or continue giving, please use the red DONATE button above which will allow you to easily use your credit or debit card.
Alternatively, you may make any offering via bank transfer to:
Acc Name: Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee, Brook Green Holy Trinity
Acc no: 01308173
Sort Code: 40-05-20
Thank you for remembering that without your donations the parish cannot run. A lot of expenses remain whilst our income has been drastically reduced. We are very grateful for your continued support.