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Today's Gospel Reading:

Christianity isn't just a question of keeping the commandments, but of following Jesus, and being prepared to give up anything that prevents us from doing that. A rich young man meets Jesus, and in a respectful way asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. When Jesus tells him he must keep the commandments concerning love of our neighbour, he replies he has kept these from his earliest days. Jesus looks at him and loves him, but tells him he lacks one thing. Jesus can see his attachment to his wealth is holding him back, so he says he needs to sell all he owns, give it to the poor and follow him, which would demonstrate both his love for God and his neighbour. But he finds himself unable to do this and goes away sad.

Times of Mass and Devotions for the week beginning Sunday 13th October


Saturday 9.30am Mass

feria of BV Mary             6.00pm First Mass of Sunday

                                             followed by Confessions

Sunday 13th October 8.30am Mass

28th Sunday 10.00am Family Mass

11.30am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions

6.30pm Mass

Monday                              6.00pm Mass followed by Adoration and Benediction


Tuesday                            6.00 pm Mass followed by Rosary

St Teresa of Jesus


Wednesday                         6.00pm Mass   

St Margaret Mary Alocoque


Thursday                              9.00 am Mass followed by Rosary

St Ignatius of Antioch


Friday                                    9.00 am Mass  

St Luke                 followed by Divine Mercy Prayers

Saturday 9.30am Mass

St Isaac Jogues             6.00pm First Mass of Sunday

                                             followed by Confessions

Sunday 20th October 8.30am Mass

29th Sunday 10.00am Family Mass

11.30am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions

6.30pm Mass


Announcements This Week


IMPORTANT: Please note that our phone line is not working. Please call us on 020 7603 0814

The Cardinal has written an important Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide, which begins: 'This Wednesday, 16 October 2024, a bill will be introduced to Parliament proposing a change in the law to permit assisted suicide. The debate will continue for a number of months, in society and in Parliament, before a definitive vote is held there. This puts in the spotlight crucial questions about the dignity of human life and the care and protection afforded by our society to every human being...' Copies of the letter are at the back of church, but reading it out at Mass will be delayed until next Sunday because:

Today we reach the climax our three week Planned Giving Appeal, 'My Parish Commitment.' A member of the Finance Committee will guide us through filling in the form to offer our time and talents to the Parish, and to pledge our financial commitment. If you will be away this weekend, copies of the leaflet can be taken later on from the church or requested in the parish office.


October is the month of devotion to the Rosary.


Applications to the First Communion Programme are now closed.


Adults who would like to enquire into the possibility of becoming Catholics, or adult Catholics hoping to be confirmed, please speak to one of the clergy or contact us by email. We hope to start meetings of our RCIA group later in October.


Confirmation course 2024/2025: If you are in year 10 or above in school, and you attend Mass at our Church, we would like to warmly welcome you to join our Confirmation Programme 2024/2025. We will be running the course regularly on Mondays from 7pm to 8pm from November 2024 to May 2025. If you wish to be enrolled, please complete a Confirmation Application Form that you can find at the back of the Church, and drop it through the letterbox of the Parish Office before the 24th of October. Soon you will be contacted so that we can arrange a meeting face to face, in which we will speak about the terms and conditions of the course and the different graces you will receive.


November is the Month of the Holy Souls. There will be regular Requiem Masses. You are invited to take a form from the back of church on which to write the names of your own beloved deceased for whom prayers are requested. Return them through the presbytery letterbox in an envelope also available at the back of church, along with an offering if you are able to. The lists will be assembled in a book, which will be placed near the main altar throughout the month of November from Saturday 2nd November, All Souls' Day.


We are holding a collection of non-perishable foodstuffs for the Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank next weekend, Saturday 19th/Sunday 20th October. Please bring your gifts to Mass, only that weekend. Items specially needed are: long life milk, long life juice, biscuits, jam & toiletries.

If you wish to request a Certificate of Catholic Practice because you are applying for a place in a Catholic Secondary School for your child, please email the parish office for a priest information form. If your application is for primary school, do not request the Priest Information Form until after half term.

Prayer Workshop at Nazareth House Prayer Centre on Thursday 14th November at 2pm. All welcome.


Our 10.00 am Family Mass Choir is ready to recruit new members, adults and children. There is a practice on Sundays at 9.15 am. Contact the Director of the Choir, Laurence Carroll after 10am Mass. See also poster in the porch.

Music at 10am on Sunday:

- Glory be to Jesus: 

- Alleluia sing to Jesus:

- The Servant King:

- Christ triumphant ever reigning:

Music at 11.30 am Solemn Mass

This Sunday: Gabrieli, A – Missa Brevis. Motet: Byrd – O quam suavis est.

Next Sunday: Victoria – Missa Dominicalis. Motet: Tye – In pace.


Glass Door Women’s Night Shelter

We are helping to run the Glass Door Night Shelter for women again this winter from Tuesday 5th November until Easter in the parish centre.

Hosting the night shelter involves providing a hot meal: soup and bread, a choice of main course and our very famous cheese and pudding table. If you would like to volunteer we ask that you arrive before 7pm for the volunteer briefing and set-up. Guests will begin to arrive from 7.15 and dinner is served around 8pm with tea and coffee on arrival.  Volunteers tend to leave soon after 9pm and all volunteers are out by 10.  If you are not able to help on the night, we always need people to make and donate cakes, puddings, fruit and cheese. Contact Heather Alston by email or 07966233581.

There will be a training session for volunteers on line on Monday 28 October at 6.30pm.

This is a really interesting and at times challenging opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves and everyone who has helped in the past would recommend getting involved.


Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is hosting a Senior Citizens' Christmas Tea Dance, Friday 6th December, 4 – 6 pm. 12 places available to our parishioners. If you would like one of these, please by Thursday 7th November send our parish office your name, address, phone, and whether you need the school to provide transport, or if you have mobility issues, and we will forward your request to the school.


Cathedral Chorister Opportunities at Westminster Cathedral Choir School for Catholic boys in Yrs 2, 3, and 4. Contact Lucy Freeman for the link to zoom information sessions on 16th & 27th October at 6.30 pm.



Thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund, we have received a grant to help refurbish the parish centre. We provide a weekly night shelter for homeless women from November to Easter and the money we have received has enabled us to make the hall more comfortable. The West London Scouts also had their storage area made safe and easier to use. Other community projects will now be able to resume thanks to the lottery fund. This is what your money pays for when you play the lottery (if you don’t win, that is :) )

From this: to this:

And from this:

to this:

Holy Trinity Cine Club: for children in Year 7 to Year 9, and  Year 10 to 12 on a Friday evening once a month.Quality ‘surprise’ movie followed by discussion and pizza. All are welcome, suggested donation of £5 towards running costs. Contact See poster in the church porch.


Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism: If you have a child for Baptism under 5 years old please email us for an application form. You will be contacted once the form has been received. A copy of one of the Catholic parents’ baptism certificate will be required.  Baptisms can only take place on Saturdays at 11am.

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Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Brook Green - 41 Brook Green, W6 7BL - Tel: 020 7603 3832 - email:

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