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In Today's GospelJesus tells us he is the True Vine and that we are the branches of the vine. This is a lovely image of the church for our Dedication Anniversary. It reminds us we can only bear fruit, (the fruits of the Spirit,) if we remain part of the vine, and also that we will be pruned, (by the Word of God,) so that we will be strengthened to bear even more fruit.

Bible Reflection

'Saul went preaching boldly in the name of the Lord.' (Acts 9: 28)

Boldness: parrhesia in Greek, is candid speech, speaking and acting freely. This gift grants lack of hesitation or fear in the face of risk or danger. It is the opposite of shyness. To be bold implies a willingness to get things done despite risks. And there are always risks in life. But how can we risk seriously and not live imprisoned by fearm if we have no firm confidence that any evil we may endure is relative, i.e., will pass away?

Christ through his resurrection has manifested in his own human body that the divine power has rendered evil and death relative, useless, transitory, ephemeral. Job, in the Old Testament, is a figure full of boldness. He is a man who, like all the saints, lives in the middle of many sufferings and yet does not need to speak badly about God. The saints are not too attached to the realities of this passing world. They live in a different world. They are aware that there are future realities that vastly surpass the worldly, to the point that almost any earthly good (careers, money, an ideal project over friendship or family, fitness, prestige…) weigh little in comparison with some heavenly goods (communion, life, forgiveness, generosity, kindness, fellowship… ultimately, presence of God). They are sure of these signs of hope of God’s kingdom; hence they are free. Utterly free. Free to speak, free to risk, free to give, free to lose, free to love. They are free to live this life in its fullness and they are free to leave this world and go to the Father as well.

Fr Juan

Quick Links

Times of Mass and Devotions for the week beginning Sunday 28th April 24


Saturday                                         9.30 am Mass

Easter feria                                    6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions


Sunday 28th April                         8.30 am Mass              

5th of Easter                                   10.00 am Family Mass 

Dedication of Church                      11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions

                                                        6.30 pm Mass


Monday                                         6.00 pm Mass

St Catherine of Siena                           followed by Adoration & Benediction until 7.00pm



Easter feria                                    6.00 pm Mass followed by Rosary 


Wednesday                                   6.00 pm Mass 

St Joseph the Worker                                           


Thursday                                        9.00 am Mass followed by Rosary

St Athanasius


Friday                                             9.00 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Prayers  

SS Philip and James                                                             


Saturday                                         9.30 am Mass

The English Martyrs                          6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions


Sunday 5th May                            8.30 am Mass

6th of Easter                                   10.00 am Family Mass 

                                                        11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions

                                                        6.30 pm Mass




Announcements This Week

Today we celebrate the Anniversary of Dedication of our Church in 1866. The candles lit around the walls indicate the places where they were anointed with chrism by Cardinal Manning to consecrate the church.

Wednesday 1st May is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. The Litany of St Joseph will be said after Mass.


May is the special month of devotion to Mary Gifts of flowers for her shrine throughout the month will be welcomed.


Thank you for your generous donations to the Priest Training Fund of the Diocese of  Westminster last week, So far £920 has been raised. It is not too late to receive any further donations.


Our Parishioner Karen Townsend was one of the volunteer helpers on the Easter Week HCPT Pilgrimage to Lourdes. The group leader has sent us a lovely letter thanking us for raising funds for a child to go, and also a photo of the group in Lourdes – they can be seen on the porch noticeboard.



Monday 6th May is a Bank Holiday. Mass is at 12 noon only.


Thursday 9th May is Ascension Day. Mass at 9.30 am, and Solemn Mass at 6.00 pm. (Mass of the Vigil on Wednesday at 6.00 pm also fulfils the obligation.)

The Climax of this Easter Season is Pentecost Sunday, 19th May, the day of the sending of the Holy Spirit to begin the life of the Church and the preaching of the Gospel to all nations. To celebrate the international nature of the Church – and of our Parish – we are having an International Lunch at 1.00 pm in the Parish Centre, when we shall be inviting you to contribute a national dish, and if you wish to wear national dress. More details shortly, but please keep the day free! Our newly forming Justice and Peace Group will be encouraging us to donate through this occasion to Friends of the Holy Land, and thereby help relief work in Gaza.

Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

This year we are organising a pilgrimage to walk the Portuguese Camino towards Compostela, the place that holds the relics of the Apostle Saint James.

It will be an 8 day trip (25th of August to 1st September) for the young people of the parish. There are still vacancies for young people over 15 who may want to come. Please contact Fr Juan if you are interested. We are also looking for benefactors and people who may like to contribute so that the cost of their pilgrimage can be reduced as much as possible. Please contact Fr Juan or give an envelope to one of the parish team if you would like to give a donation.




SEMINAR 2 – Wednesday 15th of May at 6.30 pm in Church



Given by Fr Richard

SEMINAR 3 – Wednesday 5th of June at 6.30 pm in Church




Given by Fr Juan


A few Planned Giving Envelopes for the year which has just begun are still to be collected by those who use this method for their regular giving to the church: from the church porch at Sunday Mass, or the parish office during the week. Please double-check YOUR name and address.

If you are a UK tax payer and have not signed up to gift aid your regular offerings, please contact the parish office. If you have stopped paying tax, please also let us know. If your box is not there, and you would like one, please contact the parish office.

Holy Trinity Cine Club: for children in Year 7 to Year 9, and  Year 10 to 12 on a Friday evening once a month. Quality ‘surprise’ movie followed by discussion and pizza. All are welcome, suggested donation of £5 towards running costs. Contact See poster in the church porch.


Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism: If you have a child for Baptism under 5 years old please email us for an application form. You will be contacted once the form has been received. A copy of one of the Catholic parents’ baptism certificate will be required.  Baptisms can only take place on Saturdays at 11am.


Congratulations to our parish Confirmation group who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday. Thank you to Bishop Michael Campbell OSA who officiated.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10.00am Mass on Sunday 12th, 19th & 26th May.


Welcome to the new Readers at 10.00am. Mass. Teens, adults or children who would like to read at the Family Mass please see Sr. Jenefer.


TODAY Sunday Cake sale in aid of Children’s Liturgy.


Next Prayer Workshop 2.00pm, Thursday 9th May at Nazareth House Prayer Centre. All welcome.


Thank you to the parish from Honor and family for your kind words, expressions of sympathy and support and for attending Michael’s funeral in such large numbers. A Mass for your intentions will be said on Sunday 23rd June at 11.30am.


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