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Aid to the Church in Need

Support for the church in countries where it is persecuted or struggling. Contact Hadrien Mercier via the Parish Office.


Altar Servers

Please contact Michael Chute via the Parish Office.


Catholic Children’s Society

Our parish link aims to raise interest and funds for their work in our diocese. Volunteers needed.



CAFOD is the official Catholic overseas development and relief agency in England and Wales. There are two annual Friday fast days (in Lent and October,) after each of which there is a collection on the following Sunday.


Catholic Truth Society Booklet Stand at back of Church

Parishioners can purchase devotional booklets and information booklets about our Catholic faith.


Centering Prayer Group

Prayer group hosted by Sr John for the parish on Friday evenings and a monthly Thursday afternoon Prayer Workshop with Sr Jenefer at Nazareth House Prayer Centre. Tel 020 8741 6499 or


Choir at 10.00 am Family Mass

volunteer singers and instrumentalists welcomed.

Director: Laurence Carroll.

Approach him after Mass or contact via the Parish Office.


Cleaning of Church

To volunteer your help please contact the Parish Office.



Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed, 18-25 January each year.


Eucharistic Ministers

Assist the priests as necessary in giving Holy Communion in church or in taking it to the sick. If you would like to be considered for this ministry, please leave contact details for Fr Richard.


Exposition of Blessed Sacrament

Monday evenings after 6pm Mass until 7pm.  Please try and find a few minutes to spend with Our Lord during that time.



Gift Aid and Planned Giving

Planned Giving Envelopes and Bankers Order Forms are available on request.

Parishioners may gift aid their donations by requesting a gift aid form by which the Parish may reclaim tax on any donation made . Contact the Parish Office.


Legion of Mary

An association of Catholic laity who serve the Church on a voluntary basis.   Meets weekly on Thursday evenings.. Contact  Lani Gibbs via the Parish Office.


Lourdes Pilgrimage

Society of Our Lady of Lourdes. Parish representatives—Leslie Stewart and Theresa McNeil. Contact via Society of Our Lady of Lourdes on 8848 9833, or The Westminster Diocese also organises an annual diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes, last week of July.


Marriage Preparation Courses

Catholics being married are to attend a Catholic Marriage Preparation Course. We have one or two each year as needed, led by a married couple of the parish, for our parishioners who have already approached our parish clergy to plan their weddings here, or in a Catholic Church elsewhere in the world.



Material for publication needs to be received at the Parish Office by 12 noon  Wednesday. This includes names of the sick, recently departed or anniversaries of death, for whom you would like us to pray. These names need updating weekly.




At 11.30 am Solemn Mass, Tad Dan. Is also often available for weddings, funerals etc in our church. Contact via the Parish Office.


Readers at Mass

Training provided for those interested who have a clear speaking voice. Days of recollection are arranged twice a year in Advent and Lent. For all Masses except 10.00 am Family Mass, please contact Amanda Back via the parish office For 10.00 am Family Mass contact Nyama or Sr Jenefer via the parish office.




Rosary is prayed in church  Monday-Friday at 6.30 pm, after Mass.



Michael Chute. Please contact him in connection with assistant sacristans or volunteering for sacristy laundry via the Parish Office.


Safeguarding (Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults, DBS checks)

Contact Phiroza Paris via the Parish Office.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP)

SVP object is to assist all those in need on a person to person basis, regardless of their faith, colour or creed. Visits made to people at home, or in hospital and residential homes, and practical help given. Members who are Eucharistic Ministers can bring Holy Communion to Catholic housebound. Meets monthly on Monday evenings, 7.00—8.00 pm. New members welcomed, Contact Patricia Byrne or Maria Molloy via Parish Office. 


Stewards’ Group 10.00 am Family Mass

Welcome worshippers on arrival, and assist with smooth running of this busy Mass by distribution of books, etc, and help with issues of safety for all present, especially our elderly and young.

Contact Abraham Teklemariam via the Parish Office.


Teatime @ 3.30

All senior citizens of the parish are invited once a month to afternoon tea and entertainment hosted by the Legion of Mary. Volunteer cake bakers and helpers please contact the parish office.


Union of Catholic Mothers

Union of Catholic Mothers is a national group of like-minded Catholic women and mothers who meet once a month to pray, discuss various topics, and learn from each other. We support our members and the community at large in fostering spirituality in our lives as we bring up our children in the Catholic faith. Contact Rose Barclay via the Parish Office.

Welcome Occasion for new parishioners who have joined us in the past year will be held in the Parish Centre at a later date.See announcement in the newsletter.


Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Brook Green - 41 Brook Green, W6 7BL - Tel: 020 7603 3832 - email:

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